Living Philosophy Course

These are challenging, hard times that can somehow feel scary, and it isn’t easy to know what or who to trust and follow. However, ancient civilisations, both from East and West, taught us that we have a vast united inheritance of wisdom that we can count on to provide us with self-awareness, values, inner strength, independence and confidence.

Is it possible to live by the wisdom of the ancient masters in our everyday life?

The course provides a glimpse into the sources of wisdom with a comparative study of Classical philosophies across ancient cultures and civilisations. Through the classes, we unfold the path of philosophy from Knowledge to Wisdom and from Learning to Living as we uncover the mysteries of human consciousness and development.

This unique program of Living Philosophy Course is structured into 19 complementary weekly sessions. It is an opportunity to join a journey to discover and experience the more profound esoteric concepts of self, nature, and humanity.

New Acropolis is an evolving philosophical community of like-minded people that foster an active and practical approach to Living Philosophy with an acute awareness of the world around us.


Living Philosophy: Discover – Awaken – Transform

  • Living Philosophy Course

    Living Philosophy Course

    A journey to discover and experience the profound concepts of Self, Nature and Humanity. The course provides practical tools to live with more freedom and sustained happiness. Explore the path of inner change as a key to actively navigating everyday life and contributing to building a better world.

    Introductory Class: 

    17.06.24, Monday, 7:30 pm

    First Class:

    24.06.24, Monday, 7:30 pm

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