These are challenging, hard times that can somehow feel scary, and it isn’t easy to know what or who to trust and follow. However, ancient civilisations, both from East and West, taught us that we have a vast united inheritance of wisdom that we can count on to provide us with self-awareness, values, inner strength, independence and confidence.
Is it possible to live by the wisdom of the ancient masters in our everyday life?
The course provides a glimpse into the sources of wisdom with a comparative study of Classical philosophies across ancient cultures and civilisations. Through the classes, we unfold the path of philosophy from Knowledge to Wisdom and from Learning to Living as we uncover the mysteries of human consciousness and development.
This unique program of Living Philosophy Course is structured into 19 complementary weekly sessions. It is an opportunity to join a journey to discover and experience the more profound esoteric concepts of self, nature, and humanity.
New Acropolis is an evolving philosophical community of like-minded people that foster an active and practical approach to Living Philosophy with an acute awareness of the world around us.
Course enrollment is confirmed after a preliminary meeting with the instructors.
Course Fees:
$75 per month.
Free Introductory Class:
02.10.24 Wednesday, 7:30 pm – 9:45 pm
First Class:
09.10.24 Wednesday, 7:30 pm – 9:45 pm
Living Philosophy: Discover – Awaken – Transform
Course Syllabus – 19 Sessions
1. Know Thyself
Living Philosophy – Need for inner change
Morals and Ethics
Themes from Eastern and Western philosophies
2. The Great Inner Warrior
Who am I? Two Faces of the Self
The Internal Battle of the Kshatriya
Themes from the Bhagavad Gita (Samkhya and Yoga)
3. Buddha and the Path to Liberation
Lessons from Buddha’s life: a process of Self-Transformation
The Sermon at Benares – the Four Noble Truths
The Wisdom of Concentration and the Right Tension
4. Hearing the Voice of the Silence
The Symbolism of the Tibetan Vajrayana Tradition
Themes from The Voice of the Silence
5. Search for Happiness
Aristotle’s Secret Toward Happiness
Arete – The Meaning of Life
The Middle Path
6. Awakening the Soul: Practical Tools of the Ancient World
Rediscovering the Mysticism of Plotinus
Unity Through Diversity
Three Paths to the Divine: The Artist, The Lover, The Metaphysician
7. Inner Order and The Search for Purpose
Embodying Justice in Ancient Egypt
The Confucian Ideal of Harmony
Hierarchy – Natural vs Mechanical
8. Have a say – The challenges of modern society
From Individual to Society
The Role and Importance of the Ancient Polis
The value of Volunteering in our current era
9. Seminar of Practical Exercises
10. Breaking the Chains
The Socratic Approach – Maieutic and Elenchus
The Allegory of the Cave by Plato
11. The need for Social Justice
The Allegory of the Metals by Plato
The Politeia (Republic) by Plato – Models of Governance
The Triumphs and Challenges of Democracy
12. Worldview Transformations
How did we get here?
The Meso-Cosmos as an Organised Environment
Great Stoic Principles for Modern Living
From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
13. The Path from Mystery to Living Philosophy
The Last School of Mystery by Pythagoras
On the Importance of Education by Plato
Music for the Soul & Gymnastics for the Body
14. The Path of Initiation
Traditional, Mystical and Magical Initiations
The sacred chain of Masters and Disciples
15. The Voyage of Time – From History to Myth and back
Reliability of History over time
On the concept of Myth
16. Travel Beyond Time
From Chronological Time to Sacred Dreamtime
The Natural Law of Periodicity
17. When History Repeats Itself
Cycles of Time: Hindu Yugas and Plato’s Great Year
The Myth of Prometheus
A Memory of the Times as a Creator of Self and Collective Consciousness
18. Esoteric Development of Consciousness
The Universal Laws of Nature – Dharma and Karma
The Esoteric Development of Consciousness
19. The Spiral Path – Summary
Course Overview and Summary
Where do we go from here?