Workshop – Face Your Fear

8 March 2017 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 2017-03-08 7:00 pm:00 2017-03-08 9:00 pm:00 Australia/Sydney Workshop – Face Your Fear New Acropolis

Face Your Fear - CleanSuddenly, your world’s flipped upside down. Sweating, anxious, shaking, the hairs on the back of your neck stand cold, your skin crawls, your stomach plunges. You can’t control your thoughts. How did you get here? How do you get out? How do you prevent this?

Fear is always with us just waiting to be fed, waiting in the dark. We all experience fear. It’s a shapeshifter with many disguises. It holds us back and prevents us from living life to the fullest. When we should speak up we remain silent; when we need action we freeze. 

In this workshop, we will confront fear to realise that it can become our greatest friend and advisor. We will reveal the role of courage and love in the process of facing and overcoming our fears. We will see that fear is not so scary, after all.

Free Admission | Limited Seats
Please RSVP (03) 95251346

  • Living Philosophy Course

    Living Philosophy Course

    A journey to discover and experience the profound concepts of Self, Nature and Humanity. The course provides practical tools to live with more freedom and sustained happiness. Explore the path of inner change as a key to actively navigating everyday life and contributing to building a better world.

    Introductory Class: 

    02.10.24, Wednesday, 7:30 pm

    First Class:

    09.10.24, Wednesday, 7:30 pm

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