Well-Being in Urban Living: World Philosophy Day 2023
The Hub at Docklands80 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands, VIC, 3008

2 December 2023 1.30 pm - 5.00 pm 2023-12-02 1.30 pm:00 2023-12-02 5.00 pm:00 Australia/Sydney Well-Being in Urban Living: World Philosophy Day 2023 The Hub at Docklands80 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands, VIC, 3008 New Acropolis melbourne@acropolis.org.au

Philosophy in Action: Promoting Well-Being in Urban Living

Some of the primary pressing issues in our current Urban living are stress, anxiety, social isolation, and lack of profound and meaningful human connections.

With that in mind, we create an event that fosters meaningful connections and promotes Well-being and mindfulness among the urban population.

Well-being in Urban Living creates the Time and Space for individuals to engage in meaningful activities that can support us in coping with the fast-paced urban lifestyle, reduce stress, and cultivate a greater sense of presence and wellbeing. Through this philosophy in action activity, participants will explore their values and perspectives, find inner peace, build connections with others, and contribute to creating more mindful and resilient communities in the city.

The event’s profit will be donated to Voice of Change, a not-for-profit organisation emphasising the therapeutic power of creative actions to heal, educate and prevent domestic violence.

In 2005, UNESCO announced World Philosophy Day as it believes in the value of philosophy for developing human thought in every culture and individual, maintaining that critical thinking helps make sense of life and actions in the international context. Since then, the Organisation New Acropolis has celebrated the date by promoting World Philosophy Day in more than 50 countries, where it operates through dialogues, lectures, exhibitions, panels, and various events.

This year, more than 250 branches from New Acropolis worldwide will offer activities open to the public, focusing on the contribution of philosophy to day-to-day life and how to foster the well-being of urban living.

The event offers a variety of workshops for you to choose from, all run by volunteer professionals who contribute their time with much generosity and love. Treat yourself with the precious of all – a few hours of self-care and love to promote your well-being.

Event program and tickets

About the workshops and facilitators:

Yoga with Blanca Ramos:

This yoga session will help improve physical and mental well-being through asana practice, mindful movement, deep breathing, and heart-opening poses.
Blanca specializes in creating a safe and encouraging environment where students can explore and strengthen the connection between their body, mind, and spirit through embodied yoga practices. Blanca Ramos 

Singing Circle with Kaela Raku:

Kaela Raku is a yoga, meditation and singing teacher who will be running the Singing Circle sessions. Music and singing were always an important part of Kaela’s life, but it was after she discovered mantra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga that it all came together for her. Through the practice of chanting mantras together in this workshop, we will connect to powerful energies within that support us to move through life in a more easeful way. The practice takes us deep into the heart, and we collectively access our voices. No experience is necessary to participate in this workshop. Come along with an open mind and heart, and allow yourself to be surprised by the outcome! Kaela Raku

Dancing Freedom with Sage Nicola:

Hi everyone! My name is Sage, a music and dance enthusiast who has been weaving her way across dance floors for the past 14 years in the festival, ecstatic dance and music scene. Bringing my playful spirit to the spaces I hold as a Dancing Freedom facilitator, I aim to bring people from all walks of life to dance and celebrate our shared humanity. Having worked as a nurse for nine years and completed studies as a trauma practitioner, I am passionate about providing safe spaces for others to feel, express and embody their authentic nature. 

What is Dancing Freedom?
Dancing Freedom is a mind, body, soul and earth-conscious dance practice of liberation and freedom. A space whereby all parts of you are welcomed and explored through the medicine of dance, ceremony and community. I am excited to meet you there!

“Art as Meditation” with Katia Honour:

Visionary artist Katia Honour explores sacred art as a lived experience by immersing herself in various cultures, from shamanism and yogic traditions to Western mystery schools. She shares insights into the powers of symbolism and the many ways we can bring more meaning, inspiration, beauty and creativity into our daily lives.

You are invited through simple exercises to open the door to your intuition and begin translating these feelings into colour, shapes and forms. Katia Honour 

Philosophy in Action with Ariel Druckman:

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of our core values and the power we hold to make a difference. This session will delve deep into our values, gaining a clearer understanding of that which matters the most.

We’ll explore tangible commitments to improving the world, starting right now, with small actions rippling outward to create a significant impact.

Ariel is a passionate advocate for personal growth and development, and he believes in leading by example and using his strong ethics to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

He started his journey towards becoming a living philosopher in 2000 at New Acropolis, Israel. Since then, he has promoted philosophy as a way of life, a practical path to know oneself and the world around us. In 2014, he became the National Director of New Acropolis Australia.

  • Living Philosophy Course

    Living Philosophy Course

    A journey to discover and experience the profound concepts of Self, Nature and Humanity. The course provides practical tools to live with more freedom and sustained happiness. Explore the path of inner change as a key to actively navigating everyday life and contributing to building a better world.

    Introductory Class: 

    02.10.24, Wednesday, 7:30 pm

    First Class:

    09.10.24, Wednesday, 7:30 pm

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