The Day of Arts: Interactive Music Listening Workshop

21 June 2024 8.00 pm - 9.45 pm 2024-06-21 8.00 pm:00 2024-06-21 9.45 pm:00 Australia/Sydney The Day of Arts: Interactive Music Listening Workshop New Acropolis

Join us for ‘The Day of Arts‘ to experience the transformative power of the arts, a universal language that transcends all barriers. This event brings people together, irrespective of backgrounds or borders, to immerse in an environment that encourages self-discovery and fosters personal growth. Tap into your inner being, discover your harmonious essence, and foster a sense of Unity through dialogue and shared experiences.

Participate in an interactive Music Listening workshop, a unique opportunity to explore the harmonious nature within and uncover the authentic inner rhythm of your heart. Following the workshop, we will engage in a dialogue to share experiences.

Seize this opportunity to connect with a vibrant community of individuals who share your passion for arts, music, and cultural diversity. Over a glass of spicy mulled wine or a cup of chai, we will explore and celebrate the beauty of diversity through the arts and be part of a transformative experience that will leave a lasting impact.


  • Living Philosophy Course

    Living Philosophy Course

    A journey to discover and experience the profound concepts of Self, Nature and Humanity. The course provides practical tools to live with more freedom and sustained happiness. Explore the path of inner change as a key to actively navigating everyday life and contributing to building a better world.

    Introductory Class: 

    02.10.24, Wednesday, 7:30 pm

    First Class:

    09.10.24, Wednesday, 7:30 pm

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