

The practice of human values is the basis for a model of active and participative culture, which brings out the qualities of each person, broadens the horizons of the mind and opens the human being up to all the expressions of the spirit.

New Acropolis seeks to bring a new vision of culture: a culture with practical and living values, which enables its audiences to transform and improve themselves. We promote a universal renaissance of cultural values, a culture with philosophical messages that can be understood and accessed by all.

Culture, as a means of humanizing our societies, returns to the timeless roots of each historical age to broaden our understanding of life and bring us closer, in a fraternal and eclectic spirit, to the diversity and richness of each culture or civilization.

In addition, the culture we promote is an experience provided by volunteers, a culture which is close to each individual’s heart and, above all, rewarding, because it nourishes the soul and releases the tensions of everyday life. It is a culture that brings enjoyment, through the experience of creation and imagination, to the audience and all those who benefit from that generous effort.

Inspired by its founding principles, our institution has promoted initiatives that have resulted in international programs designed to coordinate its activities and give them a philosophical direction.





  • Living Philosophy Course

    Living Philosophy Course

    A journey to discover and experience the profound concepts of Self, Nature and Humanity. The course provides practical tools to live with more freedom and sustained happiness. Explore the path of inner change as a key to actively navigating everyday life and contributing to building a better world.

    Introductory Class: 

    29.04.24, Monday, 7:30 pm

    First Class:

    06.05.24, Monday, 7:30 pm

    Read More  
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